
business management

Return on investment (ROI)

Return on Investment (ROI), an indicator and an answer for many questions in a business

When we talk about business and investment we talk about ROI, one of the most important indicators for a business, used for every activity, marketing included ROI means Return on Investment, this is a financial indicator to understand if and how what we spend for the company, returns as profit. The Return on Investment can…

KPis the cardinal points

KPIs, the cardinal points to drive the business

I want to approach probably at the most important point of analysis to drive the business: the KPIs, Key Performance Indicators. I talk, in another video, about the indicators we can check to evaluate the general health of a company; but in this video I want to approach another level of analysis. Every analysis starts…

Marketing Key Department

The importance of Marketing for a company

I want to talk about the importance of marketing in every company. It is not important the kind of business you have, marketing is essential. Firstly, we must understand what marketing is. There are many definitions of marketing, we can consider marketing every activity to promote and sell more products or services. Essentially, we cannot…

Business Works

How understand if the business works

A typical question every entrepreneur or manager has often in the mind is how understand if the business works, in this video I want to give some points to analyse the health of company. The understanding of a business is a mix of many indices and everyone can have a different evaluation in a business…